Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dirty Laundry

Earlier today, I began a post called Glue. It talked about how women, despite how bad their relationship with a man,stick to them like glue. It started out as a childhood memory and turned into a 2000+ word entry. I went off on the keyboard. Something lately has allowed me to freely express myself on a keyboard even though I'm talking to no one. I remember the AIM days when I would chat with Sarah all day and night and I had witty, wonderful things to say for hours on end. I was "just that into her". The Glue post made me cry for about a minute because it was very personal and I think I realized some things not just about myself but my childhood. I hit post and then decided that this just wasn't the place for it. I saved it as a word doc and changed the post to what you see below... Twitter... Really? That post took me hours and maybe the stomach ache I had was the reason the words flowed effortlessly. As if they were coming from the soul as some would say. If anyone would ever like to read it, shoot me an e-mail. You'll understand why a blog is just not the place for that sort of thing.

Oh, and today was Rufus Green's last day. Master Betty took his place. Rufus was my Jetta, traded it at Toyota today. I took a picture of it as the salesman took it away. I will post about it tomorrow... Maybe.

Kung pow enter the fist is where I got master betty from.

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