Monday, March 30, 2009

If I was a cat

I am not poking fun at people with Diabetes, after seeing my little brother's new album on Facebook of funny cat photos, I had to Google this one and steal it. My new obsessions with food has me thinking that even at my so-called slim, 162lbs, my eating habits will land my in a self-injecting insulin future. I'll try to keep it at bay. But just follow along with me here...

If you haven't been to "This is Why You're Fat"and taken a look through each and every page, I will explain to you what will happen. As most of my friends are not "Meat Lovers" the ones who are will understand the process of how my inner fat-boy came out. It does not make a difference when you visit this site, but how many pages you make it through before you say "I would try that". Some items like the White Castle Casserole will make you want to regurgitate at the very site of it while other smorgasbords such as the Porkgasm the idea strikes you as a Final Four or Superbowl meal idea. You first have to understand that the presentation of these meals are simply not Iron Chef quality, so reading the descriptions is what will really jump out at you. I won't spoil it for you, i recommend you check it out. My personal favorite is the Bacon Explosion.

The annoying guy at work (EVERYONE has one) sent me an e-mail about the ShamWow Guy. My only thoughts on the whole situation... He's 44 years old? Vince Shlomi (My inner fat-boy thought Vince Salami), PLEASE tell me what's with the Janet Jackson headset in the infomercial? What a weirdo.

I'm headed back to the gym hopefully this time some week after the doctor cleared me to continue working out. I'm happy because it was a nice routine but the Manthers are what made it annoying. I guess it can be expected at any gym of course.

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